Thursday, December 27, 2007

Women in Congo's war


"Thousands of women are suffering horrific abuse as fighting continues in Congo and the perpetrators go unpunished.
The violence in Congo is unspeakable. But if the horror of Congo's recent wars - which have killed more people than any war since World War II - is to end, the unspeakable must be spoken."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

habitable Earth-like planets

"...astronomers announced the discovery of two possibly habitable Earth-like planets."

Gliese 581: Extrasolar Planet Might Indeed Be Habitable   
in: Science Daily

Psychiatrists interest in religion

"Although psychiatrists are among the least religious physicians, they seem to be the most interested in the religious and spiritual dimensions of their patients..."

"Psychiatrists: Least Religious But Most Interested In Patients' Religion"
in: Science Dialy

underground house

"Located on the side of a hill in a wealthy suburb of Santiago, Chile, Assadi & Pulido Architects’ house audaciously makes the roof the main facade ..."

"Underground Architecture" by Jeannette Plaut
in: Metropolismag

three anti-art shows

"The Corrections"  by Leslie Camhi

in: the village voice

2 suicide attacks in Iraq

"A top U.S. commander warned Tuesday that Sunnis who fight al-Qaida in Iraq must be rewarded..."

"2 suicide attacks kill at least 34 across Iraq"
  by The Associated Press
in: Herald Tribune


"As a teen, she rebels against the veil-wearing piety of fundamentalism, and it's this cynical, ironic insider's look of Iran that is perhaps most captivating."  

"Young and punk in Iran" By Giovanni Fazio
in: "The Japan Times"

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

media reality

From the available media, every week around 10 news are selected by me and presented in this blog.

It isn't all about what's going on in the would, is also about how the media present to us what they have found in this same would.

So every week, here, in this virtual piece,
amounts of images and texts selected,
presented by the media,
caught by a reporter somewhere in a reality,
hoping to be able to show a piece from that reality.

Louise Bourgeois in Tate Modern

"Femininity, sexuality and isolation" by Louise Bourgeois's works in Tate Modern in London.

link to news: Louise Bourgeois
in: Tate Modern

2 Darfur's Criminals

"...Not only has Sudan not cooperated in turning over Mr. Haroun, it has named him its humanitarian affairs minister, and put him in charge of hearing human rights complaints from Darfur victims and of monitoring the African Union-United Nations peacekeeping force..."

link to news: Official Urges Arrest of 2 Darfur Suspects

The same news in other website (doesn't require registration)
By Warren Hoge
Published: December 6, 2007

Sign the petition to stop the genocide in Darfur

Weather in African economy

"Extreme weather won't make life easier on the world's poorest continent. But smart policies are already cushioning the blow."

An African Revolution

by By Pedro Sanchez | Newsweek

Somalia's capital, Mogadishu streets

"The southern neighbourhoods are littered with the scars of recent fighting ..."

Living in Somalia's danger zone

By Mohamed Olad Hassan
BBC News

Africa-Europe trade deal in Lisbon meeting

"European and African leaders wound up a summit meeting on Sunday in open conflict over trade deals between the continents and over human rights violations..."

Trade Deals Stymied at Lisbon Meeting
by: By Stephen Castle - New York times

Africa: Europe-Africa Trade Talks Hit Fresh Low
by: Mathabo Le Roux - All

Putin's victory

"The vote followed a tense Kremlin campaign that relied on a combination of persuasion and intimidation to ensure victory for the United Russia party and for Putin..."

Putin's Party Wins Russia Election

by:Lynn Berry

Published: December 2, 2007

Managing the Vote

By: Owen Matthews | Newsweek

Published: December 3, 2007

Jeff Wall in Berlin's Guggenheim

"...pioneering the artistic presentation of large, color, photographic transparencies in light boxes, which combined the scale of painting with the luminosity of the cinema screen."  Jennifer Blessing

Jeff Wall :  EXPOSURE
in: Deutsche Guggenheim

Butoh master Min Tanaka in Masato Okada work in New York

"...photographs taken by photographer Masato Okada over thirty years, the images reveal the power and lyricism of one of the pioneers of the Japanese dance form..."

Min Tanaka: Photos by Masato Okada
P.S.1 Moma Museum

Simon Heijdens solo exhibition

In BKVB: Simon Heijdens exhibition.

Simon Heijdens
in: BKVB - The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts