Thursday, December 27, 2007

Women in Congo's war


"Thousands of women are suffering horrific abuse as fighting continues in Congo and the perpetrators go unpunished.
The violence in Congo is unspeakable. But if the horror of Congo's recent wars - which have killed more people than any war since World War II - is to end, the unspeakable must be spoken."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

habitable Earth-like planets

"...astronomers announced the discovery of two possibly habitable Earth-like planets."

Gliese 581: Extrasolar Planet Might Indeed Be Habitable   
in: Science Daily

Psychiatrists interest in religion

"Although psychiatrists are among the least religious physicians, they seem to be the most interested in the religious and spiritual dimensions of their patients..."

"Psychiatrists: Least Religious But Most Interested In Patients' Religion"
in: Science Dialy

underground house

"Located on the side of a hill in a wealthy suburb of Santiago, Chile, Assadi & Pulido Architects’ house audaciously makes the roof the main facade ..."

"Underground Architecture" by Jeannette Plaut
in: Metropolismag

three anti-art shows

"The Corrections"  by Leslie Camhi

in: the village voice

2 suicide attacks in Iraq

"A top U.S. commander warned Tuesday that Sunnis who fight al-Qaida in Iraq must be rewarded..."

"2 suicide attacks kill at least 34 across Iraq"
  by The Associated Press
in: Herald Tribune


"As a teen, she rebels against the veil-wearing piety of fundamentalism, and it's this cynical, ironic insider's look of Iran that is perhaps most captivating."  

"Young and punk in Iran" By Giovanni Fazio
in: "The Japan Times"