Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Civilian nuclear programmes between France and Arabian countries

"French President Nicolas Sarkozy has begun a Gulf tour, during which he is due to sign a nuclear co-operation deal with the United Arab Emirates. (...) Mr Sarkozy has said the Arab world should have the same rights to such programmes as other states. ..."
in: BBCnews

Iran as Bush focus

"President Bush on Sunday urged wary Persian Gulf allies to rally against Iran “before it is too late,” even as the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that the country had agreed, yet again, to answer outstanding questions about its nuclear programs within four weeks."
"Bush Urges Unity Against Iran" Published: January 14, 2008
by Steven Lee Myers
in: The New York Times

"President Bush chastised Iran on Tuesday for committing a “provocative act” by confronting United States Navy warships in the Persian Gulf over the weekend. ..."
"Bush Castigates Iran, Calling Naval Confrontation ‘Provocative Act’" Published: January 9, 2008
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Thom Shanker
in: The New York Times

"IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, accompanied by Mr. Olli Heinonen, Deputy Director General for Safeguards and Mr. Vilmos Cserveny, Director for External Relations and Policy Coordination, visited Teheran from 11 to 12 January 2008. ... "
"IAEA Chief Concludes Visit to IranStaff Report" Published: January 13, 2008
in: IAEA.org

Monday, January 14, 2008

Gender equality in Norway

"From 1 January 2008 it became compulsory for Norwegian companies to appoint a substantial number of women to their management boards, but is government intervention on gender issues the best way to create real change in the corporate world?
Norway now leads the globe in gender equality at board level ..."
By Stephanie Holmes
in: BBC News

Press conference for Benazir Bhutto's son

"Benazir Bhutto's son has finally held his own press conference. How Pakistan's heir apparent handled the media, fake Facebook pages and fears about his future. ..."
by Rod Nordland
in: Newsweek

Baitullah Mehsud the name that many are accusing

"Baitullah Mehsud is being blamed for most of the suicide bombings in Pakistan, including Benazir Bhutto's assassination. The rise of a militant leader. ..."

"Al Qaeda’s Newest Triggerman"
by Sami Yousafzai and Ron Moreau
in: Newsweek

Underground religion in China

"...At an underground church service in China, you pray as quickly as you can - and hope the police do not come running in. ..."

by James Reynolds
in: BBC News

Smith's Cloud on it's way

"Smith's Cloud", it may set off spectacular fireworks when it smacks into our galaxy in 20-40 million years.
It contains enough hydrogen to produce a million stars like our Sun, researchers believe. (...)
Details of the work, by a team at the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, were unveiled at the 211th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas."

by Paul Rinco
in: BBCnews

Black Holes

"The supermassive black holes at the cores of most galaxies could be spinning at a dizzying rates. These celestial monsters may be rotating so fast, they are close to the maximum rates allowed by Einstein's theory of relativity..."

"Rapid spin for giant black holes"
By Paul Rincon

Shibboleth by Doris Salcedo

"...Salcedo has created a subterranean chasm that stretches the length of the Turbine Hall. (...) Shibboleth asks questions about the interaction of sculpture and space, about architecture and the values it enshrines, and about the shaky ideological foundations on which Western notions of modernity are built. (...) A ‘shibboleth’ is a custom, phrase or use of language that acts as a test of belonging to a particular social group or class. ..."

"Interruption of a Course of Action": Lovett/Codagnome exhibition

"...the first U.S. museum exhibition for the artist duo Lovett/Codagnone. Best known for their performances, videos, and photographs that combine elements of S&M gay subculture with everyday domestic scenes, the artist team will further their ongoing exploration of power relations, as manifested in explicit cultural signifiers as well as clandestine or unconscious practices. ..."

Organized by P.S.1 Curatorial Advisor Lia Gangitano

Globes without stars

"The usual crowds lined up on the street, but the floats never came. This year’s Globes will be remembered as the Year of Living Absently..."
"How lame was this year’s bizarro-world version of the Globes?... "

by David Carr

" Awards Season"
in: New York Times